Vienna Travel Guide

Vienna Travel Guide

Vienna is considered one of the most beautiful and interesting capitals in the world. A city of waltzes, art, royal tradition, and exquisite cuisine. Both imperial in spirit, but also smart and modern – Vienna is an experience that will definitely leave you wanting more.

Travelling to Vienna

The Austrian capital is well-connected with the rest of the world thanks to its location in Central Europe. Whether by plane or by train, by car or by ship on the Danube River – many paths lead to Vienna. 

By plane

Vienna’s central position in Europe makes it a hub offering optimal transportation connections to the whole world. 205 destinations across 71 countries are regularly served from Vienna by 74 airlines. 

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By train

A very comfortable way to travel to Vienna. The ÖBB (Austrian Federal Railways) and the Westbahn will serve all your travel needs. 

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By car and bus 

There’s an excellent network of motorways and expressways that lead to Vienna. 

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From the airport to Vienna city centre 

 Options are the City-Airport-Train (CAT), the ÖBB Railjet, bus, or rapid transit railway. 

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Getting Around Vienna

The City of Music is voted one of Europe’s top pedestrian-friendly cities. With its vast pedestrian zones and promenades along the Danube Canal, there is no better way to explore the Austrian capital than by foot.

The city is bicycle-friendly too, so consider renting two wheels for your stay if you’ve got the legs for it! 

And, if you decide to use public transportation, Vienna can offer you a big network of buses, trams, trains, and metro (U-Bann Subway), to get you around the city easily and comfortably.  

 **Part of this page information gathered from: The online travel guide for Vienna – VIENNA – Now. Forever

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