Congress Workshops

Congress Workshops

Advance your knowledge and skills during EAPS 2024 in our 5 Congress workshops that will be run in parallel to the Congress sessions during 18-20 October.

Space is limited, pre-registration and payment is required in order to secure your ticket. Workshop registration works on a ‘first come, first serve basis’. Registration is available through the registration page. For any queries please contact

The detailed programmes of the workshops are available below:

Workshop Name Date Time Location Early Registration Fee Onsite Registration Fee
Workshop 01 (ESN*): Translational research in Perinatology October 18, 2024 08:00-13:00 Congress Venue €60 €75
Workshop 02: Atraumatic lumbar puntion October 18, 2024 Select 1 slot from:
14:30-15:15/ 15:15-16:00/ 16:30-17:15
Congress Venue €60 €75
Workshop 03 (ESN*): Updates on non-invasive ventilation and bedside respiratory function monitoring in the newborn October 19, 2024 08:00-13:00 Congress Venue €60 €75
Workshop 04 (ESN*): Writing your next publication with the editors October 19, 2024 15:00-17:30 Congress Venue €40 €55
Workshop 05 (ESN*): Lactation and breastfeeding: Ensure babies thrive whilst keeping parents on your side October 20, 2024 08:00-13:00 Congress Venue €60 €75

Workshop Programmes

Click here to view the workshop program

Workshop objective: To have different perspectives in modelling and evaluating causes and consequences of perinatal challenges and to discuss critical phases of early career development of basic scientists, medical and clinical researchers who are interested in an academic career in Neonatology.

08:00 – 08:05 Welcome
08:05 – 08:25 Causes and consequences of perinatal brain injury – basic research perspective
Ivo Bendix, Germany 
08:25 – 08:45 Structural and functional lung remodelling following experimental perinatal insults
Miguel Alejandre Alcazar, Germany 
08:45 – 09:05 Modelling intraventricular haemorrhages in a preterm rabbit model – mechanisms and therapeutic approaches
Bobbi Fleiss, Australia 
09:05 – 09:25 Overcoming translational roadblocks – multidrug comparison in a model of neonatal encephalopathy
Hemmen Sabir, Germany 
09:25 – 10:00 Round table – keep the fire burning
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee break
10:30 – 10:50 Impact of immune cell frequencies and function on perinatal brain injury
Eleanor Molloy, Ireland
10:50 – 11:10 Early interventions to improve neonatal outcome in low-resource settings
Cally Tann, UK
11:10 – 11:30 Multi-organ injury in perinatal ovine models
Tim Wolfs, Netherlands 
11:30 – 11:45 Round table – Do´s and Don’t´s in academia
11:45 – 12:00 Short break
12:00 – 12:55 How to get your paper published (the Editors perspective)
Eleanor Molloy, Ireland
12:55 – 13:00 Closing/feedback discussion

Participants can select one of 3 slots to attend:


Faculty: Annemie Bauters, Belgium 

Click here to view the workshop program

Aim:  to understand the working mechanisms and optimization strategies of the more advanced non-invasive ventilation modes (including NIPPV and Synchronized NIPPV, nasal HFV, and NIV NAVA); to learn the principles behind two attractive, non-invasive respiratory function monitoring techniques – the Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) and Respiratory Oscillometry (or FOT) – and their applicability in neonatology.


8:00-8:10 Introduction
Bernard Barzilay, Israel 

8:10-8:30 Newer Modes of Non-Invasive Ventilation (nIPPV+Non Invasive HFV)
Hans Fuchs, Germany 

8:30-8:50 Closed Loop Oxygen Control on Non-Invasive Respiratory Support
Theodore Dassios, UK 

8:50-9:10 NIV NAVA
Richard Sindelar, Sweden

9:10-9:30 Electrical Impedance Tomography
Anton van Kaam, Netherlands

9:30-10:00 Respiratory Oscillometry (Forced Oscillation Technique, FOT)
Anna Lavizzari, Italy

10:00-10:30 Coffee Break

Practical Sessions:

The participants will be divided into 3 groups.

3 Rotating Stations, each station will be 45 minutes.

Station 1: nIPPV + nHFV
Bernard Barzilay, Israel & Hans Fuchs, Germany 

Station 2: NIV-NAVA
Richard Sindelar, Sweden & Theodore Dassios, UK

Station 3: Respiratory function monitoring: Electrical Impedance Tomography and Respiratory Oscillometry (Forced Oscillation Technique, FOT)
Anna Lavizzari, Italy & Anton van Kaam, Netherlands 

Click here to view the workshop program

14:30 – 15:30 Writing your draft manuscript
Jos Latour, UK 
15:30 – 15:45  Your journal choice, completing, and submitting
Agnes van den Hoogen, Netherlands
15:45 – 16:00 What reviewers say about your manuscript and how to reply
 Eleanor Molloy, Ireland
16:00 – 16:30 Coffee Break & networking
16:30 – 17:30  Debate with the Editor in Chief: what they say, what they want, what they accept (Pediatric Research)
Cynthia Bearer, USA
16:30 – 17:30  Debate with the Editor in Chief: what they say, what they want, what they accept (European Journal of Pediatrics)
Peter de Winter, Netherlands

Click here to view the workshop program


Faculty: Johanna Sargeant & Janet Prince, Switzerland 

The problem: Why does it matter?

  • Parents are learning not to trust their paediatricians.
  • Maternal mental health’s connection to breastfeeding, and its impact on infant health
  • Results of interviews with parents
  • Quiz – Where is your knowledge lacking?


Typical weight gain challenges and how to advise – Rule #1: Feed the baby.

  • Low weight gain
  • Low milk supply
  • Supplementation – keep babies fed and protect breastfeeding


The cause?!

  • Typical issues with the baby’s oral function
    • Tongue Ties
    • Feeding Coordination
    • high and low tone
    • Oral aversion
  • Typical issues with the mother
    • Hormonal imbalance
    • Blood loss and birth trauma
    • Hypoplastic breasts
    • Ideal blood values


Typical infant problems – connection to breastfeeding, and what to do?

  • Frequent feeds / long feeds
  • Candida / thrush
  • Infant Reflux
  • Dietary sensitivities
  • Frequency and duration of feeds


Quick Fixes! Easy, quick advice for parents:

  • Biological feeding position and skin to skin
  • Switch feeding
  • Careful supplementation (eg paced bottle feeding)
  • Flange size when pumping


Communication: What parents really need from you:

  • How to keep parents on your side while helping babies thrive
  • Awareness of personal bias
  • When to refer out and who to refer to
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